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High Intensity Business

High Intensity Business (formerly Corporate Warrior) is a high intensity strength training podcast designed to help HIT enthusiasts to achieve their fitness goals and HIT business owners and personal trainers to build a successful HIT business. The podcast helps individuals and personal trainers to optimise results for themselves and their clients with evidence-based information on exercise, diet, and lifestyle. Moreover, the podcast explores every aspect of starting and growing a high intensity training business including personal training, sales, marketing, operations, hiring, retention, pricing and packaging, financial management, exercise equipment, leadership, productivity, and much more. Previous guests include Dr Doug McGuff, Drew Baye, Skyler Tanner, Fred Hahn, James Fisher PhD, James Steele PhD, Luke Carlson, Adam Zickerman, Kyle Recchia, Adrian Antigua, Bill Crawford, Dorian Yates, Simon Melov PhD, Roger Schwab, Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson, Steve Maxwell, and many, many more.

Nov 21, 2017

Revered by many in the high-intensity training world, Doug "The Sickness" Holland is one of the most interesting and accomplished men to ever make waves in both powerlifting and HIT. Not only is he a degreed mathematician, he has also been a competitive powerlifter in three weight classes (132 lbs,148 and 165), has been a personal trainer for decades, and of course, he is also an experienced and successful business owner.

Today, Doug runs Intelligent Exercise, a 4,000-square-foot gym filled with Nautilus, MedX, and Hammer Strength equimpent (just to name some of what's available there) operating out of Shreveport, Louisiana, powered by his business philosophy of "the four P's: pencil, paper, phone, and personality - that's all it takes to succeed in this business!"

Contact Doug:

  • Doug Holland's Intelligent Exercise: +1 318-219-0098
  • Email deepsquat1: [@] aol [.] com 

In this episode, we cover:

  • How Doug got into High-Intensity Training and Powerlifting
  • How he helps clients progress, optimize gains, and reach their maximum genetic potential
  • His surprisingly Spartan lifestyle and the lean way he runs his HIT business
  • How he prepares for powerlifting competitions
  • … and much more!


This episode is brought to you by ARXFit.comARX are the most innovative, efficient and effective all-in-one exercise machines I have ever seen. I was really impressed with my ARX workout. The intensity and adaptive resistance were unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I love how the machine enables you to increase the negative load to fatigue target muscles more quickly and I love how the workouts are effortlessly quantified. The software tracks maximum force output, rate of work, total amount of work done and more in front of you on-screen, allowing you to compete with your pervious performance, to give you and your clients real-time motivation.

As well as being utilised by many HIT trainers to deliver highly effective and efficient workouts to their clients, ARX comes highly recommended by world-class trainers and brands including Bulletproof, Tony Robbins, and Ben Greenfield Fitness. To find out more about ARX and get $1,000 OFF software licensing fees, please go to and mention Corporate Warrior in the how did you hear about us field.


This episode is brought to you by, providers of the best online courses in high intensity training that come highly recommended by Dr. Doug McGuff and Discover Strength CEO, Luke Carlson. Course contributors include world-class exercise experts like Drew Baye, Ellington Darden and Skyler Tanner. There are courses for both trainers and trainees. So even if you’re not a trainer but someone who practices HIT, this course can help you figure out how to improve your progress and get best results. Check out, add the course you want to your shopping cart and enter the coupon code ‘CW10’ to get 10% off your purchase!


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For all of the show notes, links and resources - Click Here