Aug 2, 2016
Richard A. Winett was one of the first graduates from the clinical science program at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, a program that for the last 45 years has been one of the top world-wide leaders for developing psychologists in research careers.
Dr Winett is the Heilig Meyers professor of psychology and former director of the Clinical Science program, ranked 7 th of 153 doctoral clinical psychology program in research productivity in the US and Canada, and the Center for Research in Health Behavior, and has received Virginia Tech’s Alumni Award for Excellence in Research.
Dr. Winett has published over 260 peer reviewed articles and has been the principal investigator of 17 research grants with research support of about $25 million funded by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and other agencies for 40 consecutive years.
Dr. Winett has published over 260 peer reviewed articles and has been the principal investigator of 17 research grants with research support of about $25 million funded by the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and other agencies. His proudest achievement is chairing to completion the work of 38 doctoral students and instructing many terrific undergraduate students. Dr. Winett’s research focuses on health behavior, particularly the intersection of health psychology, behavioral medicine, and public health, and the development of primary and secondary prevention programs linked to nutrition, physical activity, and exercise. Dr. Winett also has published studies in exercise science, specifically focused on resistance training and interval training, and privately has published via Ageless Athletes, Inc., the Master Trainer, since 1991.
I get emails from listeners asking me to bring on all sorts of new guests onto the show. Richard Winett is one of the names that has been repeated over and over again, and now we finally made it happen. Here's what we cover:
- Richard's journey through exercise
- How does Richard's own approach to exercise change over the years.
- What are his mistakes from measuring calorie consumption?
- Richard's current views to eating fat
- And much more!
Please note - Due to not having microphones at both ends, the audio quality of this podcast makes it difficult to hear in places. Nonetheless, it's worth getting through the inaudible parts to hear some great points of view shared by Richard.
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